Burlesquers from the Past: ZORITA!
Il y a de ça quelques temps je vous avez parler de Tee Tee Red (T.T Red) dans la section "Burlesquers from the Past" en vous disant qu'elle avait été une des filles que Zorita, La légende du Burlesque, avait pris sous son aile, lorsque cette dernière avait raccroché les G-Strings, et ouvert ses clubs.
A few weeks ago I told you about Tee Tee Red (T.T Red) in the "Burlesquers from the Past" section of the blog, telling you she was one the Lucky girl Zorita took Under her wings when she retired from perfoming and opened her theater.
A few weeks ago I told you about Tee Tee Red (T.T Red) in the "Burlesquers from the Past" section of the blog, telling you she was one the Lucky girl Zorita took Under her wings when she retired from perfoming and opened her theater.
Et bien cette semaine, j'ai décidé de vous parler de Zorita. Figure Incontournable du Burlesque, et bien que connue de tous, je me devais de lui consacrer un article.
Well I've decided that this week Burlesquers from the past, would be dedicated to the Amazing Burlesque legend Zorita, even though her life is already well known, I had to dedicate her one article.
Well I've decided that this week Burlesquers from the past, would be dedicated to the Amazing Burlesque legend Zorita, even though her life is already well known, I had to dedicate her one article.
Née Katherine Boyd ou Ada Petillo (mais "seul ma mère et le FBI m'appelle Ada"), le 30 Août 1916, dans l'Etat de l'Ohio, elle est adopté à l'âge de 9 mois par une famille Méthodiste, parce que "J'étais la plus mignonne des petites batarde de l'Orphelinat" dira-t-elle. A l'âge de 4 ans elle perd son père adoptif, et 3 ans plus tard sa mère s'installe avec son nouveau beau père qui abuse d'elle jusqu'à ce qu'elle quitte le nid familial à 15 ans, après avoir épousé un jeune anglais avec qui elle part s'installer à Chicago. Le Mariage ne dure pas, mais elle est Libre.
She was born Katherine Boyd or Ada Petillo ("but only my mother & the FBI would call me Ada" she allegedly once said), on August 30th, 1916 in Ohio. She was then adopted by a Methodist Family at age Nine, because as she said "I was the cutest bastard in the Orphenage". Unfortunatly she lost her adopted father at only 4, and when her mother found a new man, " years later, he begun abusing her, until she left at age 15 by marrying an English Young man with whom she went to live in Chicago. The marriage didn't last long, but she was now a free woman.
She was born Katherine Boyd or Ada Petillo ("but only my mother & the FBI would call me Ada" she allegedly once said), on August 30th, 1916 in Ohio. She was then adopted by a Methodist Family at age Nine, because as she said "I was the cutest bastard in the Orphenage". Unfortunatly she lost her adopted father at only 4, and when her mother found a new man, " years later, he begun abusing her, until she left at age 15 by marrying an English Young man with whom she went to live in Chicago. The marriage didn't last long, but she was now a free woman.
Première photo Professionnelle Aout 1934
Elle commence alors a travaillé comme esthéticienne, et découvre que pour se payer leurs belles fourrures ses collègues participe a des "Shag Parties"dans lesquelles les danseuses performes totalement nues devant un public d'homme qui tentaient de les attraper.
She then begun working as some kind of beautician, and found out that her colleagues was taking part in "Shags parties" to get their gorgeous fur coats, in which they were performing totally naked in front of man trying to grab them.
She then begun working as some kind of beautician, and found out that her colleagues was taking part in "Shags parties" to get their gorgeous fur coats, in which they were performing totally naked in front of man trying to grab them.
En 1934, elle découvre une danseuse de "sleeve dance" à la New York State Fair. Elle est fasciné par cette danseuse a qui elle souhaite dire toute son admiration, tout en examinant son costume et ses mouvement afin de tout copier et de se présenter dans un club en usurpant l'identité de cette fameuse danseuse et de demander 125$ par semaine, qu'elle obtient.
In 1934, she was fascinated by a "Sleeve dancer" in the New York State Fair. One day she went backstage to see her and tell her how much she admired what she was doing. And while she was there she studied the costume of the dancer, and studied her movements. A week or so later, she made the exact same costume and went into a club usurpating the dancers identity to get a $125-a-week engagement.
In 1934, she was fascinated by a "Sleeve dancer" in the New York State Fair. One day she went backstage to see her and tell her how much she admired what she was doing. And while she was there she studied the costume of the dancer, and studied her movements. A week or so later, she made the exact same costume and went into a club usurpating the dancers identity to get a $125-a-week engagement.
En 1935-1936, elle est engagé pour "jouer" "Miss England" un spectacle nudiste intitulé "The Miss America Show" lors de la San Diego World Fair. C'est a cette époque qu'elle se noue d'amitié avec "Geek" un charmeur de serpent qui se produit lui aussi dans cette exposition. Il lui apprend alors comment s'occuper de serpent et lui en offre deux: "Oscar" et "Elmer".
In 1935-36, she was hired to "play" Miss England in a nudist show intitled "The Miss America Show" during San Diego World Fair. It was then she met and befriended Geek, a snake charmer who told her how to take care of the snakes and gave her two: "Oscar" & "Elmer".
In 1935-36, she was hired to "play" Miss England in a nudist show intitled "The Miss America Show" during San Diego World Fair. It was then she met and befriended Geek, a snake charmer who told her how to take care of the snakes and gave her two: "Oscar" & "Elmer".
Elle est ensuite engagée par Mr Millard, propriétaire du Capital Theater de San Francisco, pour remplacer une de ses danseuse nommé "Sarita". Elle devient alors "Zorita", et s'achète sa première tenue de stripteaseuse, une robe à sequins verts, dans une friperie...
C'est a cette époque qu'elle commence à produire le numéro qui fera d'elle une star: "The Consummation of the wedding of the Snakes" dans lequel elle incarne une jeune esclave vendue a un vieil homme et alors qu'elle danse avec ses deux serpents, se fait piquer par ceux-ci et meurt.
She was then Hired by Mr Millard, owner of Frisco's Capital Theater, to replace 'Sarita', one of his dancers. That's how she became "Zorita, and when she bought her very first stripper dress, a green sequined dress, in a second-hand clothes shop...
It was then she begun performing her famous act: "The consummation of the wedding of the snakes" in which she playes a Young slave girl who has been sold to an old man, but while dancing with her snake she's bitten and dies.
C'est a cette époque qu'elle commence à produire le numéro qui fera d'elle une star: "The Consummation of the wedding of the Snakes" dans lequel elle incarne une jeune esclave vendue a un vieil homme et alors qu'elle danse avec ses deux serpents, se fait piquer par ceux-ci et meurt.
She was then Hired by Mr Millard, owner of Frisco's Capital Theater, to replace 'Sarita', one of his dancers. That's how she became "Zorita, and when she bought her very first stripper dress, a green sequined dress, in a second-hand clothes shop...
It was then she begun performing her famous act: "The consummation of the wedding of the snakes" in which she playes a Young slave girl who has been sold to an old man, but while dancing with her snake she's bitten and dies.
Bien qu'il fait d'elle une star, il lui cause aussi bien des problèmes. Elle sera arrêter en 1949, pour "cruauté envers les animaux" et sera condamnée à une amende de 1.500$ et la confiscation de ses deux serpents.
Even though this act made her a star, it also caused her a lot of trouble. She was arrested in 1949, for "animal crualty" et was fined $1,500, and her snakes were taken from her.
Even though this act made her a star, it also caused her a lot of trouble. She was arrested in 1949, for "animal crualty" et was fined $1,500, and her snakes were taken from her.
Zorita un de ses serpents, et sa fille Tawnie, 1949.
Les autres numéros qui font d'elle une star, sont le mythique numéro du "Half & Half" (moitié/moitié) dans lequel elle est d'un côté un Mari, et de l'autre sa Femme le jour de leur mariage, et dans lequel le Mari retire les vêtements de sa femme.
It was her only act, she also had a famous "half & half" act in which she was playing both the bride and the groom (who was trying to take her clothes off).
It was her only act, she also had a famous "half & half" act in which she was playing both the bride and the groom (who was trying to take her clothes off).
Il y a également celui de l'Araignée, dans lequel une danseuse est faite prisonnière dans une immense toile, pour se faire déshabiller par une mystérieuse araignée dont on ne voit que les pattes. Un numéro qui sera repris des décennies plus tard par la reine du Burlesque Dirty Martini.
And the Spider Act, in which she was portraying a danser who get caught in a spiderweb, and was stripped off her clothed by a mysterious spider. This act was recreated décades later as a tribute, by Burlesque Queen Dirty Martini.
And the Spider Act, in which she was portraying a danser who get caught in a spiderweb, and was stripped off her clothed by a mysterious spider. This act was recreated décades later as a tribute, by Burlesque Queen Dirty Martini.
Dirty Martini Hommage à Zorita
Après des années à parcourir les Etats-Unis, gagnant plus de 1.800$ par semaine, Zorita décide qu'il est temps pour elle, de raccrocher ses G-Strings et de travailler pour elle-même. Elle achète alors un théâtre a Fort Lauderdale (qu'elle jugera de mauvaise idée) puis un autre à Miami Beach, qu'elle nomme "Zorita's Show Bar" dans lequel elle devient Emcee, et créer des spectacles comprenant 10 à 12 danseuses qu'elle coach personnellement pendant 12 ans avant de s'acheter une grande propriété dans laquelle finir ses jours, un évênement qui interviendra en Novembre 2001, après un séjour à l'hôpital dont elle ne se remettra jamais.
After travelling all across the country, earning as much as $1.800 a week, it was time for her to leave her G-strings in her suitcase and to establish herself somewhere so she could work for herself. So she decided to buy a theater in Ft Lauderdale (which she considered a bad idea) and then in Miami Bitch (a good idea according to her). There she created the "Zorita's Show Bar" in which she hired about 10 to 12 girls which she was personally coaching, and also performed fully clothed (which was a first for her) as an Emcee. After 12 years she decided it was time for her to enjoy life, and she bought a big property where she could retire, and where she would die in November 2001, after a brief stay in hospital.
After travelling all across the country, earning as much as $1.800 a week, it was time for her to leave her G-strings in her suitcase and to establish herself somewhere so she could work for herself. So she decided to buy a theater in Ft Lauderdale (which she considered a bad idea) and then in Miami Bitch (a good idea according to her). There she created the "Zorita's Show Bar" in which she hired about 10 to 12 girls which she was personally coaching, and also performed fully clothed (which was a first for her) as an Emcee. After 12 years she decided it was time for her to enjoy life, and she bought a big property where she could retire, and where she would die in November 2001, after a brief stay in hospital.
Ce que l'on retiendra surtout de Zorita, est son attitude très rentre dedans, pour avoir assumé dès les années 30 son homosexualité alors que c'était totalement taboo et qui en plus de son statut de STAR qui l'isolait de ses collegue, était une des autres raison qui l'isola lors durant ses tournées, puisque ses collègues croyait souvent qu'elle leur faisait du rentre dedans lorsque celle-ci souhaitait simplement leur être agréable en les invitant a déjeuner pour ne pas elle-même déjeuné seul. Une attitude qui ne plaisait pas non plus a ses producteurs qui souhaitait qu'elle reste discrete afin que le public ne voit en elle que la déesse qu'elle était sur scène (or il lui arrivait souvant de porter des pantalons a la sortie des shows.)
Mais c'est également sa drôle de philosophie concernant les hommes, qu'elle voyait plus comme un moyen de s'enrichir que comme des amants (elle en épousera tout de même 3, et aura une fille "Tawni'".) Sherry Britton (autre légende du Burlesque) dira d'ailleurs qu'elle considérait Zorita comme une "Courtisane des temps Moderne".
What we will remember about Zorita, is her "in your face attitude", and the fact she came out in the 30's, when homosexuality was still very taboo. It was one reason for her to feel lonely. Indeed her colleagues dancers often thought she had a crush on them when she was inviting them to pay for their meal, when in fact it was her way not to eat alone. Her producers wasn't too keen on her being so open either, they asked her to be as much a goddess off stage as she was on stage for the audience. But Zorita just loved to be confortable and oftened left the theaters in trousers.
But she will also be remember for her strange Relationship with men by whom she was disgusted (although she married 3 times and had a daughter 'Tawnie' but whom she used as some kind of cash machine to finance her life style (furs etc...). Sherry Britton, another Great Legend of our Craft said of her, She Was a Modern Courtisan...

Cf: Burlesque:Legendary Star of the Stage by Jane Briggman, Pretty Things by Liz Goldwyn, Burlesk as you Like it tumblr, etc...
Mais c'est également sa drôle de philosophie concernant les hommes, qu'elle voyait plus comme un moyen de s'enrichir que comme des amants (elle en épousera tout de même 3, et aura une fille "Tawni'".) Sherry Britton (autre légende du Burlesque) dira d'ailleurs qu'elle considérait Zorita comme une "Courtisane des temps Moderne".
What we will remember about Zorita, is her "in your face attitude", and the fact she came out in the 30's, when homosexuality was still very taboo. It was one reason for her to feel lonely. Indeed her colleagues dancers often thought she had a crush on them when she was inviting them to pay for their meal, when in fact it was her way not to eat alone. Her producers wasn't too keen on her being so open either, they asked her to be as much a goddess off stage as she was on stage for the audience. But Zorita just loved to be confortable and oftened left the theaters in trousers.
But she will also be remember for her strange Relationship with men by whom she was disgusted (although she married 3 times and had a daughter 'Tawnie' but whom she used as some kind of cash machine to finance her life style (furs etc...). Sherry Britton, another Great Legend of our Craft said of her, She Was a Modern Courtisan...
Petite Selection de Cliché

Zorita publication de 1964...
Cf: Burlesque:Legendary Star of the Stage by Jane Briggman, Pretty Things by Liz Goldwyn, Burlesk as you Like it tumblr, etc...