Hier soir, c'était "l'Opening Night' du Paris Burlesque Festival, et quoi de mieux pour commencer que l'élection de Miss Paris Burlesque?!
Last Night was Paris Burlesque Festival "Opening Night", and what is better than the Election of Miss Paris Burlesque to begin with?!
Last Night was Paris Burlesque Festival "Opening Night", and what is better than the Election of Miss Paris Burlesque to begin with?!
Poster by Seb Le Bison
Mais pas de Dame au Grand chapeau noir et blanc, pas de Jean-Pierre Foucault, ou de Miss plus sottes les unes que les autres. Oh non! A la place, la seule et unique, l'immence (littéralement puisque même du haut de mon mètre quatre-vingt-cinq, je me sentais petit)... Juliette Dragon, dans une robe "table de jeux", un corset rouge flamboyant, et juché sur des talons interminables.
But No ladies with a big black & white hats (-ed. former president of Miss France is always wearing one), no Jean-Pierre Foucault (-ed. Miss France tv host), or Sillier & sillier Miss. Oh No! Instead of that, the one & only, the unique... Juliette Dragon, wearing a "card table" dress, a flaming red Corset, and endless heels.
But No ladies with a big black & white hats (-ed. former president of Miss France is always wearing one), no Jean-Pierre Foucault (-ed. Miss France tv host), or Sillier & sillier Miss. Oh No! Instead of that, the one & only, the unique... Juliette Dragon, wearing a "card table" dress, a flaming red Corset, and endless heels.
Juliette Dragon entre donc sur scène et nous annonce le déroulement de la soirée... 12 prétendantes au titre de Miss Paris Burlesque allait se succèder sur scène sous le regard impitoyable des membres du jury (comprenant Miss Anne Thropy et Mademoiselle Loizon) mais également du public qui allait avoir son mot a dire.
Chaque Prétendantes furent jugé sur leur costume, leur technicités, l'ensemble du numeros, et des points coups de coeur totalement subjectif comme nous l'a précisé Miss Dragon.
Juliette Dragon enter the stage and announce the sequences of events for tonight show... 12 contestants would perform in front of the judges (including Miss Anne Thropy & Mademoiselle Loizon) & the crowd (who will have their words to elect the winner) to win the title of Miss Paris Burlesque.
Each contestant will be judge on outfit, their technic, their act, and the last benchmark is totally subjective and is based on your crush for an act, or to vote for your friend etc...
Juliette Dragon enter the stage and announce the sequences of events for tonight show... 12 contestants would perform in front of the judges (including Miss Anne Thropy & Mademoiselle Loizon) & the crowd (who will have their words to elect the winner) to win the title of Miss Paris Burlesque.
Each contestant will be judge on outfit, their technic, their act, and the last benchmark is totally subjective and is based on your crush for an act, or to vote for your friend etc...
La première à se présenter porte une corset et un loup bleu et doré, et execute un numéro de burlesque d'inspiration classique bien qu'effectué sur la version hardrock de "Sweet Dreams".
The first contestant to enter the competition wore a gold & blue mask and corset, and did a classic Burlesque act, performed on a Hardrock cover of Eurythmic's "Sweet Dreams".
The first contestant to enter the competition wore a gold & blue mask and corset, and did a classic Burlesque act, performed on a Hardrock cover of Eurythmic's "Sweet Dreams".
La seconde, originaire d'Inde nous a offert un numéro melant Burlesque et danse traditionnelle indienne sur des chansons toutes droit sortie des super production bollywoodienne, avec une réinterprétation du sari traditionnelle revue à la sauce Burlesque, sous lequel se cachait une ceinture de plus de paon.
The second one, from indian descents, gave us an act mixing Burlesque and Indiant traditional dances, on Bollywood Movie soundtracts. She was wearing a re-invented sari in a Burlesque trend with feathers, under which she was hiding a peacock feathers belt.
The second one, from indian descents, gave us an act mixing Burlesque and Indiant traditional dances, on Bollywood Movie soundtracts. She was wearing a re-invented sari in a Burlesque trend with feathers, under which she was hiding a peacock feathers belt.
La troisième candidate au titre, nous a offert quant à elle un numéro alliant magie et humour... dans un corset rouge, une culotte en dentelle noir et des collants resilles. Et comme tout magicien elle fit disparaître son assistant: Son lapin en peluche.
The third contestant for the title, performed an act mixing magic and humour... in a red corset, a black pantie and hairnet stockings. And as all magician, she made her assistant disappear: a Bunny Stuffed animal.
The third contestant for the title, performed an act mixing magic and humour... in a red corset, a black pantie and hairnet stockings. And as all magician, she made her assistant disappear: a Bunny Stuffed animal.
La candidate suivante, nous a offert, elle aussi, un numéro quelque peu différent alliant chant et effeuillage. Mais pas n'importe quelle chanson, la célèbre "Nuit d'une demoiselle" de Colette Renard pour la plus grande joie du public hilare.
The fourth act was also a bit different mixing a very naughty song called 'Les Nuits d'une Demoiselle' (-ed. "The Night of a YoungLady" - referencing all the expression for the female masturbation) sang by the contestant while striping in front of a laughing audience.
La cinquième candidate arrive tout d'or et de dentelle vêtue assortie a sa couronne, et effectuant une effeuillage version chicago (soft) dans lequel elle a garder une sorte de shorty en dentelle et son soutien-gorge.
The Fifth contestant enter the stage wearing a gold and lace outfit and a headdress. She performed a soft strip in which she kept her bras and a shorty .
C'est ensuite a Loulou Champagne, de la troupe des Arsenic Tease de faire son entrée en scène. Vêtue d'une robe assymétrique bleu nuit laissant apparaitre son corset noir. Un effeuillage à la mode classique, mais reservant quelques surprises de costumes... A la fin du dépouillement Loulou sera élue "Meilleure Espoir Burlesque".
Then entered Loulou Champagne, from the Burlesque troup called Arsenic Tease. She was wearing an asymmetrical blue satin dress which let her sparkling black corset appeared. A Classic Burlesque strip but with some surprises. At the end of the show she was crowned "Most Promizing Burlesque Performers."
Then entered Loulou Champagne, from the Burlesque troup called Arsenic Tease. She was wearing an asymmetrical blue satin dress which let her sparkling black corset appeared. A Classic Burlesque strip but with some surprises. At the end of the show she was crowned "Most Promizing Burlesque Performers."
Celle qui suit n'est autre que Minnie Valentine, célèbre effeuilleuse de la scène Burlesque Parisienne nous offrant un superbe numéros de Feather Fan. Tout de blanc vêtue, portant une coiffe digne d'une reine des neiges, ainsi qu'un soutien-gorge avec des bonnets fait de rubans, très ingénieux et surprenant. De la paillette à foison.
The famous Parisian Burlesque Performer Minnie Valentine is next. She performed an great and sparkling feather fan dance. In a white outfit and a beautiful Snow flakes headress, her bra was very surprising and ingenious, as you'll see on the video.
The famous Parisian Burlesque Performer Minnie Valentine is next. She performed an great and sparkling feather fan dance. In a white outfit and a beautiful Snow flakes headress, her bra was very surprising and ingenious, as you'll see on the video.
Après tant d'émotion, il etait temps d'aller se désaltérer et de découvrir le decor Végassien du Festival. avec sa chapelle, ou un pretre un peu particulier au crâne tatoué, ainsi qu'une pin up et un sosie d'Elvis se feront un plaisir de vous unir à qui vous plaira. Et parce que Las-Vegas ce n'est pas seulement des mariage éclaire mais également la ville du péché, où les peep shows cotoient les tables de jeu et vice versa. Tout y est. Après un Delicieux "Las Vegas Love" il est déjà l'heure de la seconde partie de l'Election de Miss Paris Burlesque.
After so much emotion, it was time to have a drink and to discover the vegas set, with its wedding chapel, where a Elvis lookalike, a beautiful pin up, and a priest with a tatoo on the skull would "mary" you to anyone you want. And because Vegas isn't only the town of quick wedding but also known as the Sin City, where the peep-shows are side by side with the gambling tables etc... Everything is at Paris Burlesque Festival. After a delicious "Las Vegas Love" cocktail, it's already the beginning of the second parts of the election.
After so much emotion, it was time to have a drink and to discover the vegas set, with its wedding chapel, where a Elvis lookalike, a beautiful pin up, and a priest with a tatoo on the skull would "mary" you to anyone you want. And because Vegas isn't only the town of quick wedding but also known as the Sin City, where the peep-shows are side by side with the gambling tables etc... Everything is at Paris Burlesque Festival. After a delicious "Las Vegas Love" cocktail, it's already the beginning of the second parts of the election.
La seconde partie s'ouvre sur le désespoir d'une marié abandonné par son bien aimé au pied de l'autel. Et qui décide de mettre fin à ses jours en avalant une épée. Malheureusement, un petit problème technique nous à privé d'un show de main en feux, qu'elle devait effectuer. Mais elle n'a pas perdu la face et a continué son numéros malgré ça.
The second part opened up on a desperate bride left bu her beloved one in front of the altar. She then decides to commit suicide by swallowing a sword. Unfortunatly she couldn't use her "fire hands" prop during her strip because of a technical problem but went on with her act.
The second part opened up on a desperate bride left bu her beloved one in front of the altar. She then decides to commit suicide by swallowing a sword. Unfortunatly she couldn't use her "fire hands" prop during her strip because of a technical problem but went on with her act.
Comme à son habitude Juliette Dragon vient présenter la candidate suivante quand tout a coup une mendiante, au look "Zezette" fait son apparition pour quémander quelques petites piecette "-Bah quoi si faut danser pour avoir de l'argent moi aussi j'peux le faire". On est bien loins du Glamour et des paillettes mais le public semble bien apprécier cette effeuillage et cet accoutrement quelque peu inhabituel. La mendiante effeuilleuse de la soirée obtient donc la place de Seconde Dauphine du concours.
Then, As usual Juliette Dragon, came on stage to introduce the next contestant, when suddenly a homeless woman appeared near the stage to ask for money. "- I too can dance on stage for the money, if I have to!!!" We were far from all the glamour and the glittering world of Burlesque, but the audience loved her weird & unusual outfit. At the end of the contest she was Third.
Then, As usual Juliette Dragon, came on stage to introduce the next contestant, when suddenly a homeless woman appeared near the stage to ask for money. "- I too can dance on stage for the money, if I have to!!!" We were far from all the glamour and the glittering world of Burlesque, but the audience loved her weird & unusual outfit. At the end of the contest she was Third.
La troisième performeuse de cette seconde partie, entre sur scène dans une robe toute doré et s'assied a une table de café avant de nous offrir un effeuillage comique comprenant une scène de bataille impitoyable avec un porte manteau. Cette bataille sans pitier lui vaudra le titre de coup de coeur du Jury.
The third contestant of this second part, enter the stage in agold dress & jewels and sat at a restaurant table to drink a coffee before she performing a comedy strip in which she fights with a coat stand. She was crowned "Crush of the Juries".
The third contestant of this second part, enter the stage in agold dress & jewels and sat at a restaurant table to drink a coffee before she performing a comedy strip in which she fights with a coat stand. She was crowned "Crush of the Juries".
L'avant dernière performeuse, nous a quant à elle offert un numéros New Burlesque melant humour, effeuillage et déménagement. Dans un bleu de travail transformer en combi-short,qu'elle aura vite fait de quitter, et qui cache des sous-vêtements, des plus originaux, fait de scotch "fragile" et de papier bulle. A l'unanimité du public et du Jury c'est elle, Lady Adélaïd Greed, qui fut courronnée MISS PARIS BURLESQUE.
The following contestant performed a New Burlesque act mixing humour, strip, and moving house. Wearing a blue overall, which she'll soon leave behing to appear in very surprising andfunny underwear made of "Fragile" tape, and bubblewrap. Lady Adelaïde She was crowned MISS PARIS BURLESQUE both by the audience & the jury.
La dernière candidate et pas des moindres, n'est autre que Marie-Antoinette! Reine de France déchue et décapité, qui se transforme sous nos yeux en Reine Anglaise Punk au son d'un "God Save The Queen", et qui lui vaut le prix de première dauphine.
The following contestant performed a New Burlesque act mixing humour, strip, and moving house. Wearing a blue overall, which she'll soon leave behing to appear in very surprising andfunny underwear made of "Fragile" tape, and bubblewrap. Lady Adelaïde She was crowned MISS PARIS BURLESQUE both by the audience & the jury.
La dernière candidate et pas des moindres, n'est autre que Marie-Antoinette! Reine de France déchue et décapité, qui se transforme sous nos yeux en Reine Anglaise Punk au son d'un "God Save The Queen", et qui lui vaut le prix de première dauphine.
The last contestant but not the least, performed as Marie-Antoinette! the deprived, beheadeed Queen of France, who transform herslelf into the English Queen of Punk on "God save the Queen", the english anthem. She was 2nd at the end of the contest.
Toutes les prétendantes se sont vue offrir plusieurs cadeaux, et Miss Burlesque aura la chance d'ouvrir le revue du Paris Burlesque Festival 2012.
Every contestant won several presents, and Miss Paris Burlesque will get the chance to perform next year at Paris Burlesque Festival.

Lady Adélaïde Greed - Miss Paris Burlesque
by Seb Bressac
Tout le monde c'est ensuite dirigé au Las Vegas de la Bellevilloise, pour profiter des Bars, de la chapelle, du DJ, et autres attractions que la morale réprouve, puisque comme pour Végas, ce qui se passe à la Bellevilloise reste à la Belleviloise... Une bonne façon de terminée la soirée.
After the show everyone went to the Vegas Boulevard of La Bellevilloise, to enjoy the music, the pubs, the wedding chapel, and others gambling table. Everything that the morals reprobate, but as we know what happens in Vegas stay in Vegas, it's the same for La Bellevilloise. A nice way to end the evening.
After the show everyone went to the Vegas Boulevard of La Bellevilloise, to enjoy the music, the pubs, the wedding chapel, and others gambling table. Everything that the morals reprobate, but as we know what happens in Vegas stay in Vegas, it's the same for La Bellevilloise. A nice way to end the evening.