Comme vous le savez certainement, si vous suivez les actualités du blog sur Facebook, je me suis rendu au Paris Burlesque Festival... Et comme l'an dernier j'ai décidé de vous faire un petit compte rendu (ou plusieurs, puisqu'il y a eu deux revues, et une election.).
As you may already know If you follow the SoBurlesque FanPage on Facebook, I went to the Paris Burlesque Festival... And as I did last year, I decided to make some kind of travelogue...
As you may already know If you follow the SoBurlesque FanPage on Facebook, I went to the Paris Burlesque Festival... And as I did last year, I decided to make some kind of travelogue...
Tout allait commencer le Jeudi 18 Octobre, à 20h30, à la Bellevilloise, Paris 20e. Mais avant ça je devait retrouver mes deux accolytes Burlesque, Sabra Blueberrypie et Blackmamba, afin de retrouver Loulou champagne pour un p'tit resto coréen, et se faire une expo sur la mode...
Everything would begun on Thursday October 18th, at the Bellevilloise, in Paris. But before that, I had to find my to Burlesque mate, Sabra Blueberrypie & Blackmamba, so we could join Loulou Champagne for a Korean restaurant, and a Fashion expo.
Everything would begun on Thursday October 18th, at the Bellevilloise, in Paris. But before that, I had to find my to Burlesque mate, Sabra Blueberrypie & Blackmamba, so we could join Loulou Champagne for a Korean restaurant, and a Fashion expo.
Après une après-midi comme on les aimes nous nous appretons a aller perdre nos voix à l'éléction de Miss Paris Burlesque et de découvrir ou redécouvrir certaines performeuses, et découvrir les décors concoctés par Juliette Dragon, Seb le Bison et toute l'équipe du Paris Burlesque festival.
After an Afternoon as we like it, we had to get ready to go to the election of Miss Paris Burlesque, and discover or rediscover some performers, & the set up prepared by Juliette Dragon & Seb Le Bison's voluntary workers.
After an Afternoon as we like it, we had to get ready to go to the election of Miss Paris Burlesque, and discover or rediscover some performers, & the set up prepared by Juliette Dragon & Seb Le Bison's voluntary workers.
Seb le Bison et sa tendre bien-aimée Juliette Dragon,
Maitres de Cérémonie du Paris Burlesque Festival
by Hervé Photograff
Sabra et moi-même retrouvons alors un autre accolyte Burlesque Facebookien, Cheshire Cat, en provenance direct de Toulouse, et rencontré l'an dernier au PBF. Nous voilà installés, quand Mr. Cat nous préviens de l'arrivée de notre "pote"... -"Notre Pote?!" Scotty The Blue Bunny, avait fait son entrée (remarqué bien qu'inconnue) au Paris Burlesque festival. Sabra saute alors sur l'occasion pour aller le saluer...
But first Sabra & I had to find another Facebook Burlesque mate, Cheshire Cat, coming from Toulouse (south of France) that I met last year at PBF (Paris Burlesque Festival). When we were finally on our chair waiting for the show to begin, Mister Cat told us "our friend as arrived"... "Our Friend?!" Scott the Blue Bunny made his noticeable entrance (even if most people didn't know who he was). Sabra decided to go and speak to him...
But first Sabra & I had to find another Facebook Burlesque mate, Cheshire Cat, coming from Toulouse (south of France) that I met last year at PBF (Paris Burlesque Festival). When we were finally on our chair waiting for the show to begin, Mister Cat told us "our friend as arrived"... "Our Friend?!" Scott the Blue Bunny made his noticeable entrance (even if most people didn't know who he was). Sabra decided to go and speak to him...
Affiche de l'éléction Miss Paris Burlesque by Seb Le Bison
Le festival commence alors, avec un numéro un peu spécial de Guadalupe Bocanegra en Frida Kahlo, peintre et Icone incontournable du Mexique... Sur sa chaise Roulante, elle fait son entrée, accompagnée de la mort, compagne quasi-inséparable de Frida, sa présence sur scène était alors une quasi-évidence. Le numéros commence par un long et emouvant dialogue, sur cette accident qui paralysa Frida... puis Frida reprend possession de son corps, parce que s'il est meurtri, son ame a elle continue a désirer, a vivre, a danser... Un numéro émouvant, poétique, que Guadalupe magnifie avec sa plastique de rêve...
Then the festival begun, with a special act by Guadalupe Bocanegra impersonating Frida Kahlo, Mexican Icone & painter... On a wheelchair, with the death, Frida's inseparable mate. The act begun with a long moving monologue about her accident... then Frida take possession of her body again because even if she's handicaped, her soul still desire, is still alive, and want to dance... A very moving & poetic number magnifide by Guadalupe's sexy figures...
Then the festival begun, with a special act by Guadalupe Bocanegra impersonating Frida Kahlo, Mexican Icone & painter... On a wheelchair, with the death, Frida's inseparable mate. The act begun with a long moving monologue about her accident... then Frida take possession of her body again because even if she's handicaped, her soul still desire, is still alive, and want to dance... A very moving & poetic number magnifide by Guadalupe's sexy figures...
Guadalupe Bocanegra by Hervé Photograff
C'est ensuite au tour d'une performeuse tout droit venu du froid de Pologne, Pin Up Candy et son numero Black Rose... sur une chanson du même titre qui m'a fait totalement craquer et interprété par Eliza Rickman. Un numero un peu lent au rythme de la chanson, dans lequel elle interpète une danseuse qui après avoir retiré les pétales d'une rose noire, commence a effeuiller les pans de son tutu noir puis d'enchainer avec les restes de son costume.
then appears a performer known as Pin Up Candy coming from the very cold part of Europe, Poland, and her Black Rose Act... Performed on a song of the Same name, which I totally fell in love with & performed bu Eliza Rickman. This act was quite slow, following the rythme of the song, in which she's a dancers plucking the petals of a Black rose, before pucking the petals of her black tutu, and then the rest of her pink outfit.
then appears a performer known as Pin Up Candy coming from the very cold part of Europe, Poland, and her Black Rose Act... Performed on a song of the Same name, which I totally fell in love with & performed bu Eliza Rickman. This act was quite slow, following the rythme of the song, in which she's a dancers plucking the petals of a Black rose, before pucking the petals of her black tutu, and then the rest of her pink outfit.
Pin Up Candy
Après ce petit interlude romantique, nous passons à un tout autre genre avec la Française Fatale RedVenom, qui arrive costumée de la tête aux pieds. Masque doré, chapeauté, et le corps maquillé, elle nous a proposé un striptease vaudou avec éventail, faux sang et fausse cervelle...
After this romantique interlude, the next act is completely different. The french performer known as Fatal Redvenom arrive on stage desguised from head to toe. A golden Mask, a hat, and paint all over her body, she performed an vaudou striptease with fans, and fake blood & brain...
After this romantique interlude, the next act is completely different. The french performer known as Fatal Redvenom arrive on stage desguised from head to toe. A golden Mask, a hat, and paint all over her body, she performed an vaudou striptease with fans, and fake blood & brain...
Red Fatal Venom by Hervé Photograff
La candidate au titre de Miss Paris Burlesque suivante, Miss Satine, nous vient d'Italie. Une petite Blonde, qui pour la petite anecdote était dans le même hotel que nous, et qui nous a proposé un numéro avec une araignée et sa toile, intitulé Black Widow, et qui n'est pas sans nous rappeler le numéros de Dirty Martini en Hommage à la Légende du Burlesque Zorita, mais qui biensure est différent de ces numéros...
The Next contestant to the title, is Miss Satine, coming from Italia. A small blonde, who were staying at our hotel, and who performed an act with a Spider intitled The Black Widow, reminding us of the Dirty Martini tribute Act to Zorita... This act was of course quite different to Dirty's act.
The Next contestant to the title, is Miss Satine, coming from Italia. A small blonde, who were staying at our hotel, and who performed an act with a Spider intitled The Black Widow, reminding us of the Dirty Martini tribute Act to Zorita... This act was of course quite different to Dirty's act.
Miss Satine by Hervé Photograff
Retour en France avec notre Poule de Luxe, Zizi Marley, qui après un interlude joué, dans lequel elle nous présente son personnage qui épuisé s'écroule, avant de se relever, schyzophrène et se prenant pour une véritable poule... Un numéro que l'on connaissait déjà pour l'avoir vu dans les présentations des Miss, mais qui est bien plus agréable a voir sur scène. Un numéro fun qui n'a pas laisser le public insensible, qui riait parfait jusqu'au éclat...
Then another French performer, our "Poule de Luxe", Zizi Marley. After a monologue in which she's introducing her venale character, she's falling from exhaustion before rising again, mad thinking she's a chicken (a pun with 'poule'). We already knew this act because we watched it on PBF site, but it was more enjoyable on stage... The audience seemed to really appreciate it as they were sometimes bursting with laughter.
Then another French performer, our "Poule de Luxe", Zizi Marley. After a monologue in which she's introducing her venale character, she's falling from exhaustion before rising again, mad thinking she's a chicken (a pun with 'poule'). We already knew this act because we watched it on PBF site, but it was more enjoyable on stage... The audience seemed to really appreciate it as they were sometimes bursting with laughter.
Zizi Marley by Hervé Photograff
La Miss Suivante, nous viens tout droit des Etats Unis, accompagné de notre cher Scotty The Blue Bunny, je parle biensure de Bunny Pistol, que l'on avait tout de suite aimé après avoir vu sa prestation en vidéo. Quand une petite mexicaine jouant avec sa robe, se transforme en Reine de Cartel menaçante...
The followinf Miss, come from the United States. She was the one who bring us Scotty the Blue Bunny, Bunny Pistol! Before we even know she was a friend of Scotty, we liked her act after watching her video of the PBF website, in which she's impersonating a cute little mexican girl, playing with her dress, then becoming a dangerous and threatening Queen of a Mexican Cartel.
The followinf Miss, come from the United States. She was the one who bring us Scotty the Blue Bunny, Bunny Pistol! Before we even know she was a friend of Scotty, we liked her act after watching her video of the PBF website, in which she's impersonating a cute little mexican girl, playing with her dress, then becoming a dangerous and threatening Queen of a Mexican Cartel.
Bunny Pistol
Bunny Pistol by Hervé Photograff
Le numéro suivant, allait nous emporté dans un tout autre univers avec l'univers Glam Rock de Sweety J, Italienne d'origine, elle aussi logé dans notre hotel. Toute de noir vêtue maqué de dentelle, elle nous as proposer un numéro d'eventail...
The following act, would bring us in a totally different Glam rock atmosphere, with Sweety J, from Italia, and who also was in our hotel. Wearing black from head to toe, she was wearing a lace mask, and performed a rock 'n' Roll Fan act.
Sweety J by Hervé Photograff
Après tant de performer, Juliette Dragon nous annonce qu'il est grand temps de découvrir les décors concoctés par les bénévoles du Festival. Et une partie des animations que la Bellevilloise nous a préparer. Sylvanie de Lutèce, la DJ, l'expo photo de Eve St Ramon et de Foxy Chris au Maquillage, Les 4 Mariachis (avec le p'tit coup de coeur de Sabra, d'ailleurs si vous avez le numéo ^^), le ring, le peepshow ou pour la première fois j'ai vu performer cette chère Lady Salvia Badtripe avec qui je parle depuis si longtemps et biensure la tatoueuse Milouz, les deux bars, La chapelle de Désenvoutement... Un boulot phénoménale!
After all these performances, Juliette Dragon, our MC, told is it was time to take a break to discover the amazing work of her team... DJ Sylvanie de Luctece, Eve Saint Ramon photo exhibition with Foxy Chris make ups, the four Mariachis (with Sabra's crush, with the one in the middle on the following pictures... if you have a phone number I'll give it to her ahahah) a fighting ring, a peepshow scene on which I finally saw Lady Salvia Badtripes with whom I spoke for a very long time on FB, and of course, the tatoo artist Milouz, the 2 bars, the Chapel to undo the spells etc... Incredible work...
After all these performances, Juliette Dragon, our MC, told is it was time to take a break to discover the amazing work of her team... DJ Sylvanie de Luctece, Eve Saint Ramon photo exhibition with Foxy Chris make ups, the four Mariachis (with Sabra's crush, with the one in the middle on the following pictures... if you have a phone number I'll give it to her ahahah) a fighting ring, a peepshow scene on which I finally saw Lady Salvia Badtripes with whom I spoke for a very long time on FB, and of course, the tatoo artist Milouz, the 2 bars, the Chapel to undo the spells etc... Incredible work...
Une partie des Mariachis by Hervé Photograff
Expo Photos Eve St Ramon, et Make Up Foxy Chris by Hervé Photograff
Une partie des Benevoles, Looké, et Maquillé... by Hervé Photograff
Chapel de Désenvoutement by Hervé Photograff
Lotterie avec Seb Le Bison by Hervé Photograff
DJ Sylvanie de Lutèce by Herve Photograff
Lucha libre - Wesh Wesh coin coin aka Ziggy Tchicki Boum contre Kiki Mosquito
by Herve Photograff
Après un p'tit cocktail, et des p'tit poulets, Il était temps de retourner dans la salle où se déroulait l'éléction de Miss Paris Burlesque. Et nous attaquons avec une autre Fille de Joie, Luce Bottillon. en Marquise écolière peu travailleuse, qui terminera ses différentes leçons (coquines) en sous vêtement. Un numéros très sympas, et amusant.
After a small cocktail, and some chicken wings, it was time to go back where the ladies were performing for the title. And it begun with another Juliette Dragon's"Fille de Joie", Luce Bottillon, as a little Marquise trying to study, but who'll finish her different (naughty) classes in her undies... A funny act.
After a small cocktail, and some chicken wings, it was time to go back where the ladies were performing for the title. And it begun with another Juliette Dragon's"Fille de Joie", Luce Bottillon, as a little Marquise trying to study, but who'll finish her different (naughty) classes in her undies... A funny act.
Luce Bottillon en petite Marquise...
On enchaine ensuite avec une autre Française, Perle, qui arrive en masque de monstre et cape panthère. Un numéro qui je dois bien l'avoué ne m'a pas particulièrement marqué...
Then another french performer PERLE, who arrived with as panther skin cape and a monster mask on. I have to admitt I don't really remember this act... A classic Striptease I think.
Then another french performer PERLE, who arrived with as panther skin cape and a monster mask on. I have to admitt I don't really remember this act... A classic Striptease I think.
Perle by Herve Photograff
La candidate suivante Sukki Singapora, nous arrive comme son nom l'indique de Singapour qui dans un numéro Exotico-Glamour s'effeuille de manière classique, avec des eventails en feuille de palmier, corset rouge et or sur la musique de la panthère rose...
The next contestant, Sukki Singapora, was coming from Singapor, and performed an Exotico-Classico-Glamour Fan act with fans composed of exotic leaf.
Sukki Singapora by Hervé Photograff
La performeuse suivante, a une energie INCROYABLE!!! Une vraie boule d'énergie, qui c'est effeuillée sur une chanson de Lady Gaga... Malgré une petite chute, faute à un talon pris dans son faux-cul de guirlande, Le public semblait aussi déchaîné qu'Aurora Galore, la petite anglaise dont le costume était aux couleurs des Etats-Unis, a conquis le coeur du Public et du jury puisqu'elle sera couronné Miss Paris Burlesque.
The next contestant, had an incredible energy. A real ball of energy, who stipped on a Lady Gaga song... Even if she fell during her act because her heels stayed in her tinsels "faux-cul", the audiance seemed as excited as she was energetic. Aurora Galore, from UK, wearing a Star spangled banner outfit, seemed to have conquered both the audience & the jury as she would be crown Miss Paris Burlesque later this evening.
The next contestant, had an incredible energy. A real ball of energy, who stipped on a Lady Gaga song... Even if she fell during her act because her heels stayed in her tinsels "faux-cul", the audiance seemed as excited as she was energetic. Aurora Galore, from UK, wearing a Star spangled banner outfit, seemed to have conquered both the audience & the jury as she would be crown Miss Paris Burlesque later this evening.
Aurora Galore by Hervé Photograff
Pour finir, un numéro un peu hors du commun avec la Hollandaise Victoria Romanova qui revenait d'une petite séance de shopping et qui c'était mise en tête de nous présenter chacune des tenues qu'elle vennait de s'offrir. Un numéro de transformiste comme pourrait le faire Arturo Braccheti... ou Anna Fur Laxis..
To close this evening of election, an unusual act from Victoria Romanova from Netherland who wanted to show us what she bought during her shopping session... A transformist act as Arturo Braccheti would do... or Anna Fur Laxis.
To close this evening of election, an unusual act from Victoria Romanova from Netherland who wanted to show us what she bought during her shopping session... A transformist act as Arturo Braccheti would do... or Anna Fur Laxis.
Après toutes ces performances, il était temps pour le jury de departager les candidates avec l'aide du public... Guadalupe Bocanegra a ainsi recu le prix spéciale du Jury, nous avons eu deux candidates sur la troisième marche, à savoir Miss Satine & Luce Botillon, seconde, notre Transformiste de Charme Victoria Romanova, et enfin comme je vous l'avais dis Aurora Gallore fut couronné Miss Paris Burlesque...
At the end of the evening, the Jury gave a special price to Guadalupe Bocanegra for her Frida Kahlo Act, coming third we had 2 performers: Italian Miss Satine, & French Luce Bottillon, Second was Victoria Romanova from Netherland, and as U already know Aurora Galore won First Prize.
At the end of the evening, the Jury gave a special price to Guadalupe Bocanegra for her Frida Kahlo Act, coming third we had 2 performers: Italian Miss Satine, & French Luce Bottillon, Second was Victoria Romanova from Netherland, and as U already know Aurora Galore won First Prize.
Juliette Dragon et Guadalupe Bocanegra
by Hervé Photograff
Miss Satine, Juliette Dragon & Luce Bottillon by Hervé Photograff
Victoria Romanova et Juliette Dragon by Hervé Photograff
Après la remise des nombreux prix, la soirée a continué, et allait nous réserver une belle surprise à laquelle on ne s'attendait pas... Nous sirontons un petit cocktail, enfin en coca me concernant puisque je ne bois pas d'alcool (n'en déplaise a la serveuse au mille et un Shot ahahah) quand on voit un charmant jeune homme charger de la lumière il semblerai, avec un gros piment a bascule... Sans nous expliqué de quoi il s'agissait, il nous dis que c'est pour une surprise... Et QUELLE SUPRISE! Quelques minutes plus tard nous voyons s'approcher un petit bout de jeune femme, habillé en mexicaine, qui allait nous présenter son numéro... avec le piment... nous nous retrouvions sans le vouloir aux première loges pour un numéro qui connaitra un succès chaque soir du festival. IVONCITA GROS COUP DE COEUR DU FESTIVAL 2012...
After the prizes, we were enjoying our evening, drinking some cocktails, well some coca-cola for me as I don"t drink alcohol, when we see a charming stagehand young man with a rocking hot pepper. Without saying much he told us it was for a surprise. And WHAT A SURPRISE!!! Few minutes later, this little lady with a mexican outfit come in our way and was about to begin to perform her Mexican Act with the hotpepper. just in front of us! We so loved it!!!! IVONCITA WAS OUR REVELATION OF THIS 2012 FESTIVAL
After the prizes, we were enjoying our evening, drinking some cocktails, well some coca-cola for me as I don"t drink alcohol, when we see a charming stagehand young man with a rocking hot pepper. Without saying much he told us it was for a surprise. And WHAT A SURPRISE!!! Few minutes later, this little lady with a mexican outfit come in our way and was about to begin to perform her Mexican Act with the hotpepper. just in front of us! We so loved it!!!! IVONCITA WAS OUR REVELATION OF THIS 2012 FESTIVAL
Ivoncita's Mexican Act
Ivoncita by Hervé Photograff
Merci A Hervé Photograff pour ces fabuleuses photos!!!