Mardi soir était diffusé sur TV5 Monde la première partie d'une série de 3 documentaires sur l'art du Burlesque. Dans cette première partie nous apprendront a découvrir un peu mieux Scarlett James, Oui Oui Encore, Trixie Cups et d'autres performeuses Burlesque Canadienne. Scene Burlesque que l'on connait encore assez mal en Europe il faut bien l'avouer. Mais je dois dire que leur discours m'a beaucoup plus...
On Tuesday night (March 5th), the first part of a brand new Burlesque documentary was broadcasted on the TV5 Chanel. In this first part, we learn to know Scarlett James, Oui Oui Encore or Trixie Cups, Canadian Performers, a little bit more... A Burlesque scene we don't know very well yet... But I have to admit I quite liked what they said...
On Tuesday night (March 5th), the first part of a brand new Burlesque documentary was broadcasted on the TV5 Chanel. In this first part, we learn to know Scarlett James, Oui Oui Encore or Trixie Cups, Canadian Performers, a little bit more... A Burlesque scene we don't know very well yet... But I have to admit I quite liked what they said...
"Le Burlesque se n'est pas s'accepter, c'est se célébrer" - Trixie Cups
"Burlesque is not about accepting our body, it's about celebrating our body!" - Trixie Cups
"Burlesque is not about accepting our body, it's about celebrating our body!" - Trixie Cups
Scarlett James by Thierry Quenette
Oui Oui Encore by Glamour Parties
Ensuite le documentaire nous transporte vers une scène que l'on connait déjà un peu mieux: le Berceau du Music-Hall, les inventeurs du Burlesque: La scène Anglaise avec des artistes telles que Kiki Kaboom, ou encore Betsy Rose, Ophélia Bitz, ou encore Lady Alex, et Gwendoline l'Amour... Elles nous racontent la scene Anglaise, un peu de notre histoire, un peu de Leur histoire et ce qui les a pousser a embrasser la carrière d'Effeuilleuse, ou comme dirait nos amis canadiens: "d'Agaces" Un terme que je trouve intéressant.
Then the documentary bring us to another Burlesque scene we know a little better: where Burlesque was born: The British Scene with artists such as Kiki Kaboom, Betsy Rose, Ophelia Bitz, Lady Alex & Gwendoline Lamour... They tell us a little bit about the UK Burlesque Scene, a little bit about our history, about their history... Why they choose the become Burlesque performers or as would our canadian friends say: "Agace" (wich is one possible translation of the word "Tease")
Then the documentary bring us to another Burlesque scene we know a little better: where Burlesque was born: The British Scene with artists such as Kiki Kaboom, Betsy Rose, Ophelia Bitz, Lady Alex & Gwendoline Lamour... They tell us a little bit about the UK Burlesque Scene, a little bit about our history, about their history... Why they choose the become Burlesque performers or as would our canadian friends say: "Agace" (wich is one possible translation of the word "Tease")
The Wam Bam Club
Je ne vous en dis pas Plus, et vous laisse découvrir la première partie de ce documentaire... En attendant la suite avec impatience puisqu'il semblerai qu'une de mes chouchoutes Lada Redstar en fasse partie!!!
I won't say too much, and let you watch the first part of the documentarie... Waiting for more impatiently as it seems like one of my Favorite performer Lada Redstar will be featured in one of the following parts...
I won't say too much, and let you watch the first part of the documentarie... Waiting for more impatiently as it seems like one of my Favorite performer Lada Redstar will be featured in one of the following parts...