Imogen Kelly & Angelina Jolie: Leur combat commun!
Le cancer du Sein est une des pathologies les plus meurtrière qui soit aujourd'hui, et de (trop) nombreuses femmes en succombe encore tous les jours... Découvrez le choix incroyable de deux incroyables artiste... Angelina Jolie, Reine d'Hollywood, et Imogen Kelly Reine Du Burlesque 2012...
Breast Cancer is one of the most killing pathology today, and still (too) many women die from it everyday... Found out about the incredible choices of two incredidle artists... Angelina Jolie Queen of Hollywood and Imogen Kelly 2012 Queen of Burlesque ...
Le 14 Mai dernier le monde apprenait avec stupeur qu'après une série de test lui annonçant qu'elle avait 87% de chance d'avoir un cancer du sein, Angelina Jolie avait eu recours à une double mastectomie préventive... Pour ceux qui l'ignorerait une Mastectomie est une ablation du sein ou "simplement" des tissus interne, qui réduit significativement les risques de cancer chez la femme...
On May 14th, the world learned that after a serie of tests, confirming she had 87% to suffer from breast cancer, Angelina Jolie took the brave decision to go in surgery for a double mastectomy, which constists in the removal of one or both breasts, or its internal tissus in order to lower the chance to get the cancer.
Breast Cancer is one of the most killing pathology today, and still (too) many women die from it everyday... Found out about the incredible choices of two incredidle artists... Angelina Jolie Queen of Hollywood and Imogen Kelly 2012 Queen of Burlesque ...
Le 14 Mai dernier le monde apprenait avec stupeur qu'après une série de test lui annonçant qu'elle avait 87% de chance d'avoir un cancer du sein, Angelina Jolie avait eu recours à une double mastectomie préventive... Pour ceux qui l'ignorerait une Mastectomie est une ablation du sein ou "simplement" des tissus interne, qui réduit significativement les risques de cancer chez la femme...
On May 14th, the world learned that after a serie of tests, confirming she had 87% to suffer from breast cancer, Angelina Jolie took the brave decision to go in surgery for a double mastectomy, which constists in the removal of one or both breasts, or its internal tissus in order to lower the chance to get the cancer.
(read Angelina Jolie's tribune in NYC Times by clicking above)
Et le hasard du calendrier à Voulu que Imogen Kelly, couronné Reine du Burlesque au Burlesque Hall of Fame 2012, allait elle aussi subir cette même opération pour des raisons quelques peu similaires. Le 14 Mai, elle annonçait: "Si Angelina peut en parler, alors moi aussi"... Nous apprenant par la même occasion qu'elle aussi avait pris ses dispositions pour subir une Mastectomie Bilatérale.
It was at the same time that our beloved BHOF Queen of Burlesque 2012, Imogen Kelly to announce the world she had taken the same decision and was to get in surgery the next day for some exams... On May 14th she wrote on her FB account: 'If Angelina can talk about it, so Can I..."
It was at the same time that our beloved BHOF Queen of Burlesque 2012, Imogen Kelly to announce the world she had taken the same decision and was to get in surgery the next day for some exams... On May 14th she wrote on her FB account: 'If Angelina can talk about it, so Can I..."
Elle a depuis accordé une interview au Magazine Australien "The Age" dans laquelle elle explique s'examiner très fréquemment, et que durant une tournée au Texas, elle avait senti une grosseur de la taille d'un pois. Elle est donc retournée immédiatement en Australie "parce qu'à la vitesse à laquelle les cancers se développe dans ma famille, tu ne retardes pas ces choses".
Since then she gave an interview to Australian Magazine "The Age", in which she explained, she often check her breasts, and that during a Tour in Texas she felt a lumps the size of a pea. So she decided to immediately return to Australia because '''The speed at which cancers develops in my family, you don't mess around."
Since then she gave an interview to Australian Magazine "The Age", in which she explained, she often check her breasts, and that during a Tour in Texas she felt a lumps the size of a pea. So she decided to immediately return to Australia because '''The speed at which cancers develops in my family, you don't mess around."
En effet, sa mère a été diagnostiqué à l'âge de 34 ans, et mourrait 4 ans plus tard d'un cancer du sein. Et plus récemment, une de ses tantes maternelle a lutté en vain pendant 2 ans contre la maladie, elle n'avait que 42 ans. Une maladie dont elle découvrit l'existence par hasard en étendant le linge de sa grand-mère qui avait elle aussi subit une mastectomie, et avait recourt a des soutiens-gorge spéciaux.
Indeed, diagnosed at age 34, her mother died from brest cancer four years later. And more recently one of her maternal aunt struggled in vain with the disease for 2 years, she was only 42. She became aware of the disease at a very Young age, when she was hanging her grandma clothe for it to dry, and discovered she was using specials bras to hide that she had done a mastectomy.
Indeed, diagnosed at age 34, her mother died from brest cancer four years later. And more recently one of her maternal aunt struggled in vain with the disease for 2 years, she was only 42. She became aware of the disease at a very Young age, when she was hanging her grandma clothe for it to dry, and discovered she was using specials bras to hide that she had done a mastectomy.
Agé de 41 ans et mère d'une petite fille âgée de 3 ans, Imogen, ainsi que son médecin généraliste, ont donc décidé qu'il était temps pour elle de prendre les choses en mains bien que comme les autres femmes de sa famille, les deux tests BRCA1 et BRCA2 (les mêmes effectués par Angelina Jolie) soient tous deux revenues négatifs... "Il semblerait que ça se trouve ailleurs dans nos gènes, mais on ne sait pas encore où."
Now 41, and mother of 3 year-old little girl, Imogen & her GP, have decided it was time for her to consider the surgery, even though both BRCA1 and BRCA2 (the same test Angelina Jolie did) came back negative. "Obviously it's lying somewhere else in our genes"
Now 41, and mother of 3 year-old little girl, Imogen & her GP, have decided it was time for her to consider the surgery, even though both BRCA1 and BRCA2 (the same test Angelina Jolie did) came back negative. "Obviously it's lying somewhere else in our genes"
Bien qu'ayant eu des retours plutôt négatifs dans son entourage sur son choix de se faire opéré, Imogen, suivant l'exemple d'Angelina Jolie, a pris la décision de l'annoncer à la communauté Burlesque Mondiale, et a reçu de très nombreux soutiens...
Even though she faced bad reaction from her entourage, after she broke the news, following Angelina's decision to make her decision public, Imogen decided she'd announce the World Burlesque community she was about to do the same, and she then received lots of positive reaction and support.
Even though she faced bad reaction from her entourage, after she broke the news, following Angelina's decision to make her decision public, Imogen decided she'd announce the World Burlesque community she was about to do the same, and she then received lots of positive reaction and support.
Artiste de Cirque multi talent (trapèze, danse aérienne etc...) elle se verra dans l'obligation d'arrêter sa passion à cause de cette opération. Mais espère qu'on lui permettra de continuer a faire du Burlesque en continuant à la booker...
Muti-talented Circus Artiste (she does Aerial dances, and trapeze...) She will be forced to stop her passion because of this surgery, But hopes she'll still be able to perform in Burlesque if people continues to book her.
Pour tous ceux qui parle Anglais voici son interview:
CF: The Age